I cannot believe that it has been over a year since I last posted here. I get my social network fix on FB now and I don't spend much time on that either.
Blogging for me was such a great healing tool while I grieved my daughter's death. That's why it started. I've deleted those posts and started this blog and now don't make time to write here.
Since I've started working as a psychic, I now have a beautiful office in my home town where I give readings and do counseling. I LOVE IT!! I am still learning and am always amazed by my abilities and by the things that come through me for the people that I read. The learning curve with my gifts has been huge. It's tough because all the people I meet and work with who are gifted get information differently, so even comparing or dialoging with each other can leave you mystified. Oh but it's so much fun!! I think learning to trust myself and my guides, and not questioning the information, just giving it is most important.
The whole journey has really been about being a seeker. The people who come to me for the most part are too. Some are farther along the path than others, but seekers just the same. I truly believe spirituality is the only thing that is really important. Understanding that God is part of me and I am part of God and it's all connected in a bigger way every single day! So much fun! So much joy! Even the tough stuff is worth it. My growth seems to be moving at an exponential rate now. My purpose seems to be to serve and that's really great because it feels so good. I feel so privileged to be there for someone who decides to open up to me for a reading or counseling. I learn so much every single time.
I plan to start some meditation classes very soon and really am looking forward to that. Meditating in a group is awesome and raises everyone's vibration so much, that amazing things can happen.
It's funny how when I look back on how I got to this point I know truly everything happens for a reason. I was a chemical dependency counselor for almost 10 years. I stopped doing that just before my 25 year old daughter died. She had Cystic Fibrosis and complications from a double lung transplant for any new readers who might be checking me out. Anyway, now all that experience really serves me well every day. I am also a medium so many people come to me to communicate with someone who may have died in their lives(sometimes the spirit comes through, sometimes not, I never know...). I also have my own real grieving experience with my daughter and both my parents. It's so much easier to connect to people from a place of true empathy and understanding. Everyone has issues. Everyone. we are all connected to each other for the mutual purpose of our souls growth. We are all here to learn about love. what a great ride!
I hope there's a few of you who are still willing to read this. I have a new computer that I can use at my office now so I may find more time to spend here.