Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine/ Birthday

Happy Birthday to ME! 

Hi everyone. I'm sorry that I haven't been blogging lately. I've been reading blogs but not commenting and I know how much I appreciate feedback from all of you so... I suck. Sorry for being a lazy blog lurker. 
Today marks 23 years of sobriety for me. I am proud of that although there isn't much celebrating over it anymore.
Jay bought me flowers for Valentines Day and I made him steak and eggs for breakfast. Our grandson is here and he and Pee Paw are playing with matchbox cars on the floor. Later we are going sleigh riding at a friends house. 
We're also going to make a Valentine for my daughter in law with some crayons and heart stickers. I'm thinking sparkles too, that should be good. 
I feel quiet, content and grateful. Life is good. 

Happy Valentines day to all of you!