Saturday, December 19, 2009

You Might be a Frozen Redneck if...

You might be a redneck if you spend the Saturday before Christmas checking the thickness of the ice for fishing. Yup, That's what I did with my hubby today. It's c-c-c-c-cold! Tall Karen said she wanted to see some white stuff, so in honor of her and our blogger buddy Syd, heres some pictures of my day.

Guess what,I'm not going with him.


Enchanted Oak said...

Hey! That stuff LOOKS cold. It seems you kept yourself busy taking photos. Loved the visit!

Tabitha.Montgomery said...

Lovely photos Jenn..Keep warm and cozy :)

Shadow said...

thanks for that breath of chill wind. and i don't blame you for choosing something else to do, hee hee heeee

Unknown said...

yah. um. I'm not much into freezing my ass off on the ice either, axing a hole in the ice and sitting there on a folding chair, with a barrel fire waiting on a fish to find the hole, see the light and bite a hook.

Merry Christmas!!

the walking man said...

I have Carhartt Bibs, Jacket, hoodie, vest and good warm socks and boots to keep me feet warm. Guess What Jenn...I ain't going either.

Tall Kay said...

Thank you Jenn! These are great...and I got such a giggle. So, did he catch anything? Do you have to clean em up and fry em in a pan? LOL

big Jenn said...

No Kay, he throws 'em back and he's out there today.jeNN

Walking man, I have Carhartt bibs, packs,long johns,a mad bomber hat, and I STILL aint going. Guess I've learned something from experience! jeNN

Maude Lynn said...

How cool! I would love to try ice fishing!

Lou said...

The couple that freezes together, stays together..LOL. I go out in the shanty with my honey!

Syd said...

Brrrrr...chilly...but I think that it would be interesting to be somewhere with snow and a nice warm lodge to stay in where there is a roaring fire. A hut on the ice isn't my idea of that.

big Jenn said...

Lou and Syd. Our ice may or may not be here all winter so most of the guys who do it, don't use a shelter. Maybe a little tent, but usually they just stand out in the wind! (there's generally a lot of drinking involved)Jay doesn't drink however, he's just weird. jeNN